EGM will work on advanced services for smart cities
EU-Japan Fed4IoT project is officially launched! Easy Global Market and the European and Japanese members of the consortium met in Rome on July, 18th & 19th for the kick-off meeting of Fed4IoT: a project [...]
Recognized IoT scientific publication during IEEE TENSYMP 2018
In collaboration with Eurecom, Easy Global Market participed in TENSYMP 2018, the IEEE Region Ten Symposium held in Sidney from 4 to 6th of July. The paper developed on behalf of the SemTest project, funded [...]
MNBS report Release – Leading Edge Research & Innovation on Smart Systems for Better Quality of Life
On behalf of the PROTEUS project, Easy Global Market played an active role in the last edition of the Workshop of the Micro-Nano-Bio Systems cluster of EU funded activities held in Amsterdam on December 2017. [...]
ETSI Security Week, EGM presenting the SMESEC framework
Easy Global Market participated in the ETSI Security Week hosted in Sophia Antipolis, France from June 11th to 15th. On behalf of the SMESEC project, our team presented the main principles of the project [...]
IoT week 2018, successfull results for the EGM team
Easy Global Market participated in the 2018 edition of the IoT Week, key-leading IoT conference cycle held in Bilbao, Spain. From June 4th to 7th, EGM experts offered extended contributions in the agenda with [...]
IST Africa 2018, new scientific inputs for EGM
IST Africa is key-leading event aiming at supporting the Africa-EU collaboration in science, technology and innovation. Fostering the research exchange and knowledge sharing, this new edition gathered representatives from 50 countries in Gaborone, Bostwana from [...]
Crédit impôt recherche – Agrément CIR pour Easy Global Market
Easy Global Market has been approved under the refundable Research Tax Credit for the 2017-2019 period. Issued by the french Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, it achnowledges the EGM skills and expertise in [...]
EGM contributing in new advances in OneM2M interoperability
On May 2017, Easy Global Market participed in a series of international events for oneM2M interoperability. EGM brings its expertise in the global standards initiative for Machine-to-Machine (M2M) and the Internet of Things (IoT), through [...]
EGM strongly involved in 5G evolution and its standards
Improved capacity, density, efficiency, latency, reliability than the current 4G, … the 5G technology will open in the next years new horizons in mobile networks and wireless systems. The fifth generation will bring new features [...]
WAZIHACK : IoT community building in Africa
From February 19 to 20th, EGM participated in the Wazihack event in Togo on behalf of the H2020 project, WAZIUP aiming at accelerating adoption of IoT solutions in Sub-saharan Africa. Previously in Dakar, Senegal, [...]
AUTOPILOT project, EGM contributes in the automated driving research
Easy Global Market still bring its testing and standardization expertise in the automotive industry. After 5G-inFIRE launched in January, EGM representatives participated in the official kick-off of AUTOPILOT, an international project investigating AUTOmated driving Progressed [...]
Smart Aquaculture : real conditions experimentation in Ghana
On behalf of Waziup project, EGM launched the experimentation of a low-cost and innovative solution to monitor water quality in a fish-farming site. From January 24th to 30th, with the active support of our [...]
OneM2M Tester – First Release of TTCN-3 Eclipse Titan adapter
The OneM2M conformance testing group announces today the release of the version 1.0 of TTCN-3 Eclipse Titan adapter. Easy Global Market is strongly involved in the working group created in January 2016 and now gathering [...]
Semantics – Feedback from ETSI IOT/M2M worskshop 2016 featuring the smart world
OneM2M released on late December some interesting videos about the annual workshop in Sophia-Antipolis and changes brought in the release 2 of that well-known IoT standards. On behalf of Wise-IoT and Fiesta-IoT projects, EGM participated [...]
Automotive, 5G testbeds… A new project for EGM : 5G-inFIRE
On January 11th to 12th, Philippe Cousin, CEO, and Franck Le Gall, CTO, participated in the official kick-off of the project held in Heidelberg, Germany. Evolving FIRE into a 5G-Oriented Experimental Playground for Vertical Industries, [...]
AIOTI alliance, a new step towards IoT large scale deployment
On November 11th, Easy Global Market, as member and IoT expert, participated in the 4thgeneral assembly of the AIOTI alliance. Overview of what’s up in the IoT world. Launched by the European Commission, the Alliance [...]
EGM, active contributor in TTCN3 Titan adapter
Easy Global Market and partners released open source contributions for TTCN3 adapter for Titan. We brought our experience in IoT and testing fields : providing duly tested block wise options to the CoAP protocol module, [...]
EGM at the IoT week in Korea
From October 10th to 14th , Seoul host the IoT Korea week gathering 12 international events, 25 000 visitors from 35 countries. This edition aims at creating awaraness about the Internet of Things, enhancing business and [...]
Testing IoT: New efficiency and cost-reduction drivers
Capgemini, Sogeti and HP Entreprise released the new World Quality Report 2016 giving a global outlook and analysing the quality level of apps, test methods and trends in different fields. Based on more than 1600 [...]
EGM, member of 2020 Network SME Working group
Easy Global Market is still really active in extending its R&D and applying it into vertical fields. Core skills in testing, IoT platform integration, smart sensing and related communication devices… will be spread out in [...]
IoT platform integration, 5 promising examples
Out of the 1000 SMEs start-ups funded under the FIWARE program, 15 have been selected to compete within the VIP Programme. This program aims to highlight the most promising projects; not only businesswise, but regarding a [...]
EGM at the IOT week in Belgrade
Each year, the IoT week gathers the key players of the internet of things community. Philippe Cousin and Franck Le Gall participated in from May 31st to June 2nd, presenting relevant outcomes from our research [...]
EGM obtains ISTQB model based testing certification
At a global scale, only 8 people succeed in obtaining the ISTQB certification in Model-Based-Testing. We are proud to announce that one of our team members, Abbas Ahmad, gets it on May 24th. Easy Global [...]
Successful participation of EGM team in Actinspace
On may 20th to 21st, a 4-people team from Easy Global Market participated in the Actinspace Hackaton. In 24 hours, each team had to offer a good or service using data, patterns or technology used [...]