Our offer

We create, realize and provide scalable and interoperable solutions connecting the physical world to the digital world

Secteurs des partenaires
Recherche & développement

Research & Innovation

Since its creation, EGM has been involved in international research projects and develops the technologies of the future. Approved Research Tax Credit (CIR) and Innovation Tax Credit (CII), EGM puts its RTD capacity at your service.

Ingénierie, développement et intégration

Engineering, development and integration

Our Design Office supports you throughout the ‘data’ chain from electronic design, embedded software, communication network, to data platforms, applications and intelligent models (AI).

Réseau et solutions hébergées

FIWARE data platform

EGM is a major player in the FIWARE ecosystem to provide you with open-source and standardized management and hypervision platforms for the connection and exploitation of heterogeneous data sources (IoT, SI, GIS, multimedia, etc.)


Products and services

To speed up your deployments, EGM offers turnkey tools and applications such as the EdgeSpot network edge multi-sensor box, connected applications for irrigation, parking, air quality and Private LoRaWAN communication networks.