Easy Global Market will get involved on February 1st in a new H2020 project : WAZIUP.
The main objective is to accelerate Innovation in Africa through EU as well as African cutting edge IoT cost effective communication and big data application platform developed and know-how.
The official start will been done by the consortium gathering 12 partners for 36 months. Research centers, Universities, SMEs from 8 countries (European partners : France, Italy, Germany, Portugal – Subsaharan partners : Burkina Faso, Ghana, Senegal, Togo) will participate in to design an interoperable open source platform, freely accessible but also bringing new paradigms for innovative application and services delivery.
Real-life Experimentation of the full solution will be made in two complementary sectors such as farming (Cattle monitoring in Senegal with IoT sensors) and water (Silo monitoring in Ghana). This experience would be expanded to other rural sectors in subsaharan countries according to the results and users technology acceptance.
EGM will work especially in the users topics all along the project duration from the definition of users needs (reference implementation, use case validation) to user concern, acceptance and knowledge sharing of the platform. Giving key analysis, EGM will ensure an interoperable and economic reliable solution in order to foster a sustainable innovation community and ecosystem in the area.
To be continued…