On behalf of Waziup project, EGM launched the experimentation of a low-cost and innovative solution to monitor water quality in a fish-farming site. From January 24th to 30th, with the active support of our partners, Farmerline and Kumasi hive, our team deployed a IoT buoy in the Kumah farm infrastructure, in Kumasi, Ghana.
Designed as a MVP (Minimum Viable Product) product, this first version integrates in a buoy a set of water quality sensors (Temperature, Dissolved oxygen, pH) to assess the main required parameters in aquaculture activity. It also comply with local constraints, such as energy and communication availability, integrating a self-powered feature (Solar panel) and a communication equipment working with LoRA standards.
This first step will focus on equipment reliability and data collection to provide raw materials for Big data analytics. Next developments will be done in the communication and cost-effectiveness optimization. To be continued…