The SCIC Tetris has recently become a FIWARE iHub and is involved in the same way as EGM in the FIWARE standardised open source ecosystem.
After several common projects such as:
*the deployment of a private LoraWan network in 2017 as part of a tripartite partnership agreement with the Communauté d’Agglomération du Pays de Grasse. This network has enabled social and technical experimentation of various IoT use cases such as environmental monitoring or urban agriculture.
*the development of a connected lombri-composting machine to facilitate monitoring and maintenance.
EGM is pleased to invest in a committed local player to open new collaboration perspectives for companies, cities and intercommunalities in our region.
This entry into the SCIC Tetris partnership reinforces EGM’s desire to contribute to ecological transformation processes to put technology at the service of tomorrow’s world.