Congduc Pham, Philippe Cousin, Benchmarking low-resource device test-beds for real-time acoustic data 9th International conference on Test beds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks & Communities, May 5-7 2014, Guangzhou.
The EAR-IT project relies on 2 test-beds to demonstrate the use of acoustic data in smart environments: the smart city Smart-Santander test-bed and the smart building HobNet test-beds. In this
paper, we take a benchmarking approach to qualify the various EAR-IT test-bed based on WSN and IoT nodes with IEEE 802.15.4 radio technology. We will highlight the main performance bottlenecks when it comes to support transmission of acoustic data. We will also consider audio quality and energy aspects as part of our benchmark methodology in order to provide both performance and usability indicators. Experimentations of multi-hop acoustic data transmissions on the SmartSantander test-bed will be presented and we will demonstrate that streaming acous-
tic data can be realized in a multi-hop manner on low-resource device infrastructures.