EGM now a full ETSI member as approved by the #65 ETSI general assembly
On March, 17th the ETSI general assembly approved the EGM application to become full ETSI member.
In addition to the on-going supply of TTCN-3 test experts (in the field of Intelligent transport Systems), forthcoming EGM contributions are planned in the following commitees:
Methods for Testing & Specification (MTS):
- Evaluate available methods and techniques for the advanced and/or formal specification of standards with respect to efficiency and quality and with particular regard to testability,
- Assist the ETSI Secretariat regarding ETSI positions on Testing and Certification, both internally and in relation with CEC initiatives, such as mandates and the Conformance Testing Services program;
- Give guidance on the use of selected methods;
- Provide methodologies for the specification of standardized tests including formal definition languages, definition of proformas etc.;
- Specify the required environment for testing, covering operational and procedural aspects;
- Provide methodologies for the generation, processing and verification of test suites;
- Provide methodologies for the execution of tests and analysis of results;
- Co-operate with e.g.ITU-T SG 10, European Committee for IT Testing and Certification CTS programs.
- Provide specifications for M2M services and applications. Much of the work will focus on aspects of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart Cities.
- Support European policy and regulatory requirements including mandates in the area of M2M and the Internet of Things.
- Includes the identification of EU policy and regulatory requirements on M2M services and applications to be developed by oneM2M, and the conversion of the oneM2M specifications into European Standards.