A reliable, smart and secure Internet of Things for Smart Cities
With the increasing miniaturization of communication devices and the proliferation of technologies such as smart phones or sensor networks, the concept of an Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming a reality, especially with their integration into Smart Cities. The interdisciplinary nature of IoT work requires understanding, coordinating, supporting and engaging not only ICT, but also other areas such as biotechnology or nanotechnologies, that provide the right context in which IoT concepts can be embedded to provide solutions that can benefit society at large.
SMART-ACTION will support the development of strategic research agendas and serve as an enabler for the dissemination and further integration of results into future research and industrial developments, while coordinating international efforts. The main objective of SMART-ACTION is to provide support for International Road Mapping of the Research Agenda and Policies of IoT as part of the Future Internet Technological Development and to increase the uptake of European industry and businesses related to IoT, serving the Lisbon Agenda. SMART-ACTION has several strategic goals:
- To consolidate the current research and technology transfer activities in Europe and to make sure the efforts performed by individual research groups generate an optimal effect on others research areas.
- To extend the reach of IoT technologies beyond Europe and to make sure that Asia, the US, Australia and Africa are all involved in the process of defining an overall strategy for the Internet of Things by providing input to workshops organised as part of SMART-ACTION.
- To make sure that companies are also involved in the process to make sure that roadblocks and potential problems are identified and solved as early as possible.
We will do this with a keen eye on IoT policy aspects that emerge in the context of a number of relevant policy areas by keeping track of these developments and highlighting IoT aspects that may need to be considered in those policy areas. Following this strategy, we are confident that paths for the transfer of technology and, in general, the creation of new business in areas related to the Internet of Things will be encouraged.