Fiware4Water – Digital solutions for water: linking the physical and digital world for water solutions
Fiware4Water project intends to replicate success stories in linking the water sector to FIWARE, by demonstrating its capabilities and specific potential of interoperable interfaces for SMEs, developers and end-users (water utilities), by building and demonstrating a series of exemplary paradigms. In these, a wide range of current and future water system management operational challenges (smart meters as IoT entities, sensors of the future) are met and successfully implemented using FIWARE as Next Generation Internet (NGI) Services.
EGM will bring its strong knowledge and skills in IoT, Big Data and IA and exploit some advanced sensors. EGM will also look at cyber security solutions that will be deployed within the project.
In detail, Fiware4Water will pave the way to increase internal and external interoperability of water services within the smart city, kick-starting the creation of new innovation ecosystem for the water sector services. In addition to build modular applications using FIWARE and open API architecture, for the real time management of water systems, it will also build upon distributed intelligence and low level analytics (smart meters, advanced water quality sensor, video stream) to increase the economic (improved performance) and societal (interaction with the users) efficiency of water systems. FIWARE4WATER solution will be demonstrated in 3 sites, covering a wide range of challenges, as exemplary paradigms of its potential. The project will develop a community of adopters and the consortium is interdisciplinary and complimentary mixing the best expertise in Water and ICT, not forgetting addressing social sciences aspects.

For information, FIWAREis a smart solution platform, funded by the European Commission (2011-2016) as a major flagship Public-Private Partnership (PPP), to support SMEs and developers in creating next generation of internet services. Success stories of more than 1000 SMEs have made evidence on the successful approach of standard open Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and Generic Enablers (GEs) for the development of innovative applications in an open source, license free environment, for cross-domain interoperability.