Abbas Ahmad, Fabrice Bouquet, Elizabeta Fourneret, Franck Le Gall and Bruno Legeard, Model-Based Testing as a service for IoT Platforms, ISoLA 2016 – 7th International Symposium On Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation, Corfu, October 2016
The Internet of Things (IoT) has increased its footprint becoming globally a ’must have’ for today’s most innovative companies. Applications extend to multitude of domains, such as smart cities, healthcare, logistics, manufacturing, etc. Gartner Group estimates an increase up to 21 billion connected things by 2020. To manage ’things’ heterogeneity and data streams over large scale and secured deployments, IoT and data platforms are becoming a central part of the IoT. To respond to this fast growing demand we see more and more platforms being developed, requiring systematic testing. Combining Model-Based Testing (MBT) technique and a service-oriented solution, we present Model-Based Testing As A Service (MBTAAS) for testing data and IoT platforms. In this paper, we present a first step towards MBTAAS for data and IoT Platforms, with experimentation on FIWARE, one of the EU most emerging IoT enabled platforms.